has been working for 12 days straight!! poor guy!! we miss him around here! so, heres to happy friday!!
i have a couple of lo's to share since i didnt post yesterday..they are both of taken on bday of course!
and heres a little blog challenge i saw the gs board:
What made you start your blog? How has it changed you? Have you ever considered scrapping a layout about your blog? I guess i started mine cuz everyone else was doing one lol. i started about a year ago, on msn...mostly just putting up pics and whatnot. then i started to scrap more and posting more on i started to blog about my scrapping. What i've loved about it is the connection i get with other people.. its so awesome to take a peek into someone else's world..and see that they are not much different than me. i also loved talking to ppl about my scrapping cuz i dont get to do that much its so awesome to talk with others who know what the heck i'm talkin about!! I dont know if blogging has changed me per se..but my scrapping for sure! and i know now that i'm addicted to reading other blogs lol. maybe cuz i'm nosey..or maybe cuz i feel like i 'know' the ppl i'm reading about and i want to see what they're up to and if things are going well. I haven't ever thought about scrapping my blog..but maybe in time! lol.
in other news...i had the 'my star' lo picked up by the BG gallery!! yay me! also, the 'laugh' lo can now be found in the Scrappin Trends Ezine!
check it out ^^^^^^^^^^^ you know you want to!
peace out ya'lls!!