Monday, June 04, 2007

happy june!!

did may fly by or was it just me?? seriously. i think i could settle for a slow down. olivia's bday is only 22 days she's gonna be six.
and that little monkey up there is getting registered for pre-k tomorrow! yikes! shes so excited to meet her teacher and to see her classroom for the first time. honestly, i'm excited too. but kinda sad. you know, shes my baby. and i'm gonna bawl like a baby when i take her on the first day and leave her. shes like my shadow, that one. aah. but, on the bright side--i will be getting a couple of hours all to myself! yay! love that.
soo..yeah. nothing new with me. just getting scrappy here and there. my mojo is slowly coming back. i think it helped me to scrap some emotional pages about my mom. i mean..hello i cried all over them. but, it felt good too. oh, and i tried the 6x12 and i dig it. A LOT. now my only dilemma is that i dont have page protectors for that size. so yeah. i'm gonna have to find somewhere that carries them lol. oh well. they will just be sitting pretty on my easel. love it. i think thats about it for me today!!


Allison Davis said...

Love the layout! It makes me want to give 6x12 a try!

michelle said...

love your layout.. i just did my first 6x12 and i LOVE it...

Anonymous said...

May really did fly by. But school's finally out and it's time for warm sun and easy days!

AnilĂș Magloire said...

My Natalia is almost there for pre-k too...sniff
You just convinced me to try the 6x12. You can find albums for it on EK Sucess' website. I think the line's called Maple Lane. Do a little search on their site :)