Tuesday, May 08, 2007

ahh...love this weather we've been having the last few days..so perfect; idyllic i guess you could say. not too cold, not too hot. just right.

havent been scrapping much the last few days..i dont know. i'm in some kind of weird funk. seems like with the warm weather that i wake up with my nose all dry..and i have a headache first thing in the morning! blah. i wonder tho, is it possible to become addicted to aleve? bc i'm taking it just about every day! geez. i made that card up there ^^ today for laura's birthday...i'm diggin it. i like the tulle the most i think. or maybe i like the chick skull. i dont know. oh..and if you wanna know where i picked her up..check this place out. seriously IN LOVE with their stuff. for reals.

so the challenge from sophia today is to blog 10 emotions and why..so heres mine:

  1. worried--bc a week from this friday i'm flying out to see my mom. and i'm worried about how my girls will be while i'm gone..
  2. scared--to fly in the airplane. lol. i'm sooo freaking afraid of heights its not funny. and i've flown before..but never alone. wish me luck!
  3. anxious--bc i think i might get lost at LAX and miss my connecting flight
  4. excited--olivia is almost done with her first year of school! and that means that maya will be starting pre-k in just a few months!
  5. hot--is that an emotion? well anyways, thats how i'm feeling right now bc its about 80 stinkin degrees in my house!
  6. thoughtful--all these ideas, thoughts, emotions are just running thru my mind all day. but mostly at night, which makes it hard for me to sleep. or think. go figure.
  7. sad--whenever i think about my mom. im trying to stay positive. but sometimes a girl just needs to feel sad, kwim? just simmer in it. let it sink in. think it through.
  8. hopeful--that eventually my mojo will be back really fast. bc i miss it so. as do all my scrappies.
  9. reclusive--so i'm noticing a pattern lately..i'm not connecting. like with art, with c..or even with k. and sometimes even with my mom. or my kids. blech. i dont know whats happening with me right now. i just wish i could fast forward thru it and get to my old self again. i know its not them. its me. i just have some heavy shit going on right now.
  10. bitchy--yep. that probably should've been number one...bc yeah. i'm totally bein a beotch from hell lately. grr to that. maybe im just bored so i resort to bein that way. i dunno. need to think on that one lol.

man..i dont know if realized how negative i'm feeling..but maybe this was a good thing. recognizing you know. gotta check myself before i wreck myself!



Emine_Pala_Art_22 said...


I found your blog through 2peas... I hope you can find your mojo back... do you want me to send some LOL...

BTW: I'm scared to get on an airplane too UGHH


AnilĂș Magloire said...

Ughh, I'm in a funk too. I don't even want to scrap...
Here's hoping we get over it soon :)

Amber Ulmer said...

Thanks for stopping by!! Love ur cards... amazing!! I am so horrible at them but u totally RAWK them!! xoxo

Anne Thompson said...

Hi there
I was just blog surfing and came across your site from Elsies. I just sat and watched your layouts on the side bar, and they are so great! Love your style! Anne

Hilary said...

I love that card. Dang CUTE.
Is that skull s stamp?