Sunday, July 23, 2006

im pooped!

yesterday was cha in spirit day at the pub--and man, i am wiped out!! I got up around nine..and then stayed up till 1am!! yes i'm crazy, but i wasnt alone thank goodness! I got 7 lo's posted and i won 1 rak! yahoo!! so all my scrappin paid off! Really tho i am just exhausted from all that fast scrapping. Some of the ladies were nice and gave you sneak peeks..and i kept meaning to get around to doing them..but i didnt. so i waited until their hour came up--then i typically only had about an hour or so to get the lo done. and i did it! i prob wont be able to post all of them here cuz blogger doesnt like so many pics..but i will do a few.

today is a busy day...have a birthday party for a nephew this afternoon, but before we go we have stop and get him a gift (we are horrible procrastinators) then after the party art has to go to work. so he's sleeping while i do some laundry so we can actually have some clean clothes to wear,imagine that! hehe. i also have to work on a scraplift of one of my late night chicas cuz she is celebrating her bday today! so i'm gonna *try* to get that done before we leave for the party.
oh is the last day of my being 27!! ugh. i'm getting old. i remember when my mom turned 27..and thinking, man, thats old!! lol.
speaking of mom, i talked to her on messenger yesterday, and she showed me my bday present--on her new WEBCAM! and she is sending me a webcam too!! thats not my present tho. my present is::::::::::::::pse 4.0! yippee! so excited to get to play around with editing photos and i'm even gonna try my hand at digi!!! yayness! can't wait.

have a wonderful sunday!!

1 comment:

Keianna said...

PSE gets so much easier. The best elements book for photo editing is by Scott Kelby. It has simple to follow directions on the most used tips and tricks.

This was an awesome b-day gift :-)