Sunday, April 29, 2007


first i just wanted to say thank you to all of you who left me
comments and sent emails/posted on the mb. it really
meant a lot to have the support of all of you..knowing
that i was not the only one praying for my mom. it really
did make a difference :)

friday she had her lasted about 4 hours; they
removed the tumor, her ovaries, uterus and her appendix.
the dr has sent out samples of the tumor to find out exactly
what type of cancer it was--the masses on her ovaries were ovarian
cancer, but the tumor was something different.
anyways...she is in extremely good spirits :) and has been
up and walking around since saturday afternoon!
and i'm happy to report that i have found a way
to get down there and see her and neither of us can wait!!

i also wanted to send out my condolences to jen gallacher and
family. i'm so so sorry for the loss of sweet joey. hes been on
my mind so much the last few weeks. i pray that he went in



Cricket said...

sending prayers for your glad you will be able to be with her!

Anonymous said...

I too join in prayer for your mom.
Melissa S.