i hate coming up with titles. i mean you'd kinda think that coming up with titles for lo's would be helpful here..but no. its not. its super hard for me.
didnt do a whole heck of a lot today..ran a couple errands, which really just means that i went the lss. hehe. i had a punch card that was all filled up and burning a whole in my pocket..so i decided to hit the heartland up in bountiful since i always go to the one in taylorsville. well, i can't say that i've been missing much. or is it that i just have too much already so that nothing else appeals to me? i dunno! but i seriously doubt that! so after that i ran up to the memories outlet cuz i haven't been there in ages..and i found a ton of stuff i'd love to buy, of course! hehe. but i didnt have big budget today..so i just picked up some stickers and browsed around. i definitely plan on heading up there again soon!!
so i totally forgot to mention that one of my lo's was picked as a fave for the number challenge!! i was so surprised to see that, and happy of course! thanks chicas!!
k, now the challenge in the pub for blogging today is this:
Share your birthdate, and Create a 3x10 list: 10 favorite birthday memories, 10 favorite birthday gifts, 10 ways you'd love to be pampered on your next birthday! now, this is perfect timing cuz my bday is only 5 days away!! yikes. so, my 10 fave bday memories, if i can think of that many :0
in no particular order:
1.getting my strawberry shortcake bike for my 5th bday
2.having a life sized care bear cake on my 7th bday
3.being surprised with a trip to magic mountain with my bf on my 14th bday
4.having all my friends celebrate with me at lagoon for my 15th bday
5.bar hopping on my 21st bday with my very bestest non drinking friend
6.watching the fireworks at sugarhouse park with art--then walking back to the car at his mom's house where she surprised me with a yummy cake!
7.being woken up to a dozen roses and having art and the girls sing me happy birthday. 8.spending all day in bed watching QVC on scrappin day and ordering whatever i wanted!!
9.art having to go out of town but coming back with a tiara for me..his princess :)
10.my 27th bday was the first bday i spent with my dad. and by far was prob the worst bday of my life...save for my mom being there with me. i had never ever felt so unspecial or unrecognized in my entire life. thankfully, mom was there, and we spent the day at the beach. :)
10 favorite bday gifts--man. i dunno if i can remember!! but i'll give it a whirl!
2.strawberry shortcake bike
um ok. it seems in my old age i can't remember gifts! geez..now i feel horrible!!
10 ways i'd love to be pampered:
1. have all my family and friends over for a bbq
2. be let loose in a lss of my choice ;)
3. spend the day at the spa getting made over
4. getting a 4 hand massage at said spa ;)
5. being let loose at the mac counter
ok. so i only needed 5. lol
in reality..what would make me the happiest is having the ppl i care about most be with me. i just would like to know that i'm loved, and someone cares about me. thats all. the gifts are nice..but really..i just want the gift of time. i wish my mom could be here. i wish my friend arlene were here. i wish art didnt have to work that night so we could go watch the fireworks. i wish my il's hadn't left me out of the bday celebration this last weekend. thats. all.